
C.C. ® Dry with Fresh Lime Whisky Cocktail

The C.C. & Dry with Fresh Lime is a refreshing cocktail featuring Canadian Club whisky, dry ginger ale, and fresh lime. It's a simple yet satisfying drink, perfect for any occasion.

ingredients and how to craft

What you need

How To Craft

People Enjoying CV Cocktail Drinks

To make it, fill a highball glass with ice, pour in 1 part Canadian Club whisky followed by 3 parts dry ginger ale. Squeeze in a wedge of fresh lime and drop it into the glass. Give it a gentle stir, and your C.C. & Dry with Fresh Lime is ready to enjoy!

Complete your cocktail with

 Whisky Bottle1858 Canadian Club

1858 Blended Canadian Whisky

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Great Canadian Caesar Cockatil Whiskey Canadian Club
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Since 1858

A story of craftsmanship and excellence 
that transcends borders

Canadian Club distillery

Our Process

See how our dedication to craftsmanship creates
an exceptionally rich and smooth whisky
Whisky 100% Rye and 12 year old bottles Canadian Club